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Maximizing Stock Earnings with Options: A Practical Guide with Backtesting Code

August 24, 2024


Understanding Earnings Reports and Market Reaction

Earnings reports are quarterly statements released by companies to inform investors about their financial performance. These reports often cause significant stock price movements due to surprises — when the actual earnings deviate from market expectations. Traders can exploit these movements using options, which allow them to take advantage of price swings with limited risk.

Common strategies for trading earnings:

Step-by-Step Example: Trading Earnings with a Straddle Strategy


- Stock: ABC Corp
- Current Price: $100
- Earnings Report Date: 10 days away
- Volatility: Expected to rise due to the upcoming earnings report


- Buy a $100 strike call option (cost: $5)
- Buy a $100 strike put option (cost: $5)

Total cost: $10 (combined premium)

If the stock moves significantly after the earnings report, the gain from either the call or put will offset the cost of the other, potentially leading to a profit.

Backtesting the Strategy with Python

Backtesting is essential to evaluate the performance of your trading strategy. Below is a Python code example to backtest the straddle strategy using historical stock data.


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import yfinance as yf
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define parameters
stock = 'ABC'
earnings_dates = ['2023–02–20', '2023–05–15', '2023–08–10'] # Replace with actual earnings dates
lookback_days = 10
option_cost = 10 # Assume $10 cost for straddle
# Download stock data
data =, start='2023–01–01', end='2023–12–31')
# Function to calculate returns after earnings
def calculate_straddle_return(earnings_date, data):
earnings_date = pd.to_datetime(earnings_date)
entry_date = earnings_date - timedelta(days=lookback_days)
 # Ensure entry_date exists in data
 if entry_date not in data.index:
entry_date = data.index[data.index.get_loc(entry_date, method='backfill')]
exit_date = earnings_date + timedelta(days=1)
 # Price before earnings
price_before = data.loc[entry_date]['Close']
 # Price after earnings
price_after = data.loc[exit_date]['Close'] if exit_date in data.index else None
 if price_after:
price_move = abs(price_after - price_before)
 return price_move - option_cost
 return -option_cost
# Backtest the strategy
results = []
for earnings_date in earnings_dates:
result = calculate_straddle_return(earnings_date, data)
# Summarize results
total_return = sum(results)
average_return = np.mean(results)
success_rate = len([r for r in results if r > 0]) / len(results)
# Print results
print(f"Total Return: ${total_return:.2f}")
print(f"Average Return per Trade: ${average_return:.2f}")
print(f"Success Rate: {success_rate * 100:.2f}%")
# Plot results, results, color='skyblue')
plt.xlabel('Earnings Date')
plt.ylabel('Profit/Loss ($)')
plt.title(f'Backtest Results for {stock} Straddle Strategy')

Explanation of the Code:

1. Data Collection: We use the `yfinance` library to download historical stock data for the company being analyzed. Replace `’ABC’` with your stock ticker and update the earnings dates.

2. Strategy Implementation: The `calculate_straddle_return` function calculates the profit or loss from the straddle strategy by comparing the stock price before and after earnings.

Interpreting the Results

Total Return: This shows the overall profit or loss from applying the strategy across multiple earnings reports.
Average Return per Trade: This metric helps in understanding the average performance of the strategy.
Success Rate: Indicates the percentage of profitable trades.

If the total return is positive and the success rate is high, it suggests that the strategy may be viable. Otherwise, adjustments may be needed, such as refining the entry and exit criteria or trying different options strategies.


Trading stock earnings with options can be a lucrative strategy, especially when combined with thorough backtesting. By understanding the market dynamics around earnings reports and leveraging the power of options, traders can capture significant price movements with limited risk. However, like any trading strategy, it requires careful planning, execution, and evaluation.

With the provided Python code, you can backtest this strategy on any stock, tweak parameters, and find the optimal approach that works best for you.