WHEREAS the United States of America has provided significant financial and
material support to Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion of
Ukraine in February 2022;
鉴于自 2022 年 2 月俄罗斯全面入侵乌克兰以来,美国向乌克兰提供了大量财政和物质支持;
WHEREAS the American people desire to invest alongside Ukraine in a free, sovereign and secure Ukraine;
WHEREAS the United States of America and Ukraine desire a lasting peace in
Ukraine and a durable partnership between their two peoples and
WHEREAS the United States of America and Ukraine recognize the contribution
that Ukraine has made to strengthening international peace and security
by voluntarily abandoning the world's third largest arsenal of nuclear
WHEREAS the United States of America and Ukraine wish to ensure that those
States and other persons that have acted adversely to Ukraine in the
conflict do not benefit from the reconstruction of Ukraine following a
lasting peace;
NOW, THEREFORE, the Government of the United States of America and the
Government of Ukraine (each, a "Participant") hereby enter into this
Bilateral Agreement Establishing Terms and Conditions for a
Reconstruction Investment Fund to deepen the partnership between the
United States of America and Ukraine, as set forth herein.
- The Governments of Ukraine and the United States of America, with the aim
of achieving lasting peace in Ukraine, intend to establish a
Reconstruction Investment Fund (Fund), partnering in the Fund through
joint ownership, to be further defined in the Fund Agreement. Joint
ownership will take into consideration the actual contributions of the
Participants as defined in Sections 3 and 4. The Fund will be jointly
managed by representatives of the Government of Ukraine and the
Government of the United States of America. More detailed terms
pertaining to the Fund’s governance and operation will be set forth in a
subsequent agreement (the Fund Agreement) to be negotiated promptly
after the conclusion of this Bilateral Agreement. The maximum percentage
of ownership of the Fund’s equity and financial interests to be held by
the Government of the United States of America and the decision-making
authority of the representatives of the Government of the United States
of America will be to the extent permissible under applicable United
States laws.
为实现乌克兰的持久和平,乌克兰政府和美利坚合众国政府打算建立重建投资基金(基金),通过共同所有权合作管理该基金,这将在基金协议中进一步定义。共同所有权将考虑第 3 和第 4
节中定义的参与者的实际贡献。该基金将由乌克兰政府和美利坚合众国政府的代表共同管理。有关该基金治理和运营的更详细条款将在本双边协议签订后立即谈判的后续协议(基金协议)中规定。美利坚合众国政府持有的基金股权和财务利益的最大所有权百分比以及美利坚合众国政府代表的决策权将在适用的美国法律允许的范围内。 - Neither Participant will sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of, directly or
indirectly, any portion of its interest in the Fund without the prior
written consent of the other Participant. The Fund will collect and
reinvest revenues contributed to the Fund, minus expenses incurred by
the Fund, and will earn income from the future monetization of all
relevant Ukrainian Government-owned natural resource assets (whether
owned directly or indirectly by the Ukrainian Government), as defined in
Section 3
未经另一方事先书面同意,任何一方均不得直接或间接出售、转让或以其他方式处置其在基金中的任何权益。基金将收取并再投资基金的收入(减去基金产生的费用),并将从所有相关乌克兰政府拥有的自然资源资产(无论由乌克兰政府直接拥有还是间接拥有)的未来货币化中获得收入,定义见第 3 条 - The Government of Ukraine will contribute to the Fund 50 percent of all
revenues earned from the future monetization of all relevant Ukrainian
Government-owned natural resource assets (whether owned directly or
indirectly by the Ukrainian Government), defined as deposits of
minerals, hydrocarbons, oil, natural gas, and other extractable
materials, and other infrastructure relevant to natural resource assets
(such as liquified natural gas terminals and port infrastructure) as
agreed by both Participants, as may be further described in the Fund
Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, such future sources of revenues
do not include the current sources of revenues which are already part of
the general budget revenues of Ukraine. Timeline, scope and
sustainability of contributions will be further defined in the Fund
The Fund, in its sole discretion, may credit or return to the Government of
Ukraine actual expenses incurred by the newly developed projects from
which the Fund receives revenues.
Contributions made to the Fund will be reinvested at least annually in Ukraine to
promote the safety, security and prosperity of Ukraine, to be further
defined in the Fund Agreement. The Fund Agreement will also provide for
future distributions.
4. Subject to applicable United States law, the Government of the United
States of America will maintain a long-term financial commitment to the
development of a stable and economically prosperous Ukraine. Further
contributions may be comprised of funds, financial instruments, and
other tangible and intangible assets critical for the reconstruction of
Ukraine.4. 根据适用的美国法律,美国政府将长期致力于发展稳定和经济繁荣的乌克兰。进一步的捐助可能包括资金、金融工具以及对乌克兰重建至关重要的其他有形和无形资产。
5. The Fund's investment process will be designed so as to invest in
projects in Ukraine and attract investments to increase the development,
processing and monetization of all public and private Ukrainian assets
including, but not limited to, deposits of minerals, hydrocarbons, oil,
natural gas, and other extractable materials, infrastructure, ports, and
state-owned enterprises as may be further described in the Fund
Agreement. The Government of the United States of America and the
Government of Ukraine intend that the investment process will lead to
opportunities for distribution of additional funds and greater
reinvestment, to ensure the sufficient supply of capital for the
reconstruction of Ukraine as set out in the Fund Agreement.
The Participants reserve the right to take such action as necessary to
protect and maximize the value of their economic interests in the Fund.
6. The Fund Agreement will include appropriate representations and
warranties, including those necessary to ensure that any obligations the
Government of Ukraine may have to third parties, or such obligations
that it may undertake in the future, do not sell, convey, transfer
pledge, or otherwise encumber the Government of Ukraine’s contributions
to the Fund or the assets from which such contributions are derived, or
the Fund’s disposition of funds.
6. 基金协议将包括适当的陈述和保证,包括确保乌克兰政府对第三方可能承担的任何义务或其将来可能承担的义务不会出售、转让、转移质押或以其他方式妨碍乌克兰政府对基金的捐款或此类捐款所源自的资产,或基金对资金的处置所必需的陈述和保证。
In drafting the Fund Agreement, the Participants will strive to avoid
conflicts with Ukraine’s obligations under its accession to the European
Union or its obligations under arrangements with international
financial institutions and other official creditors.
7. The Fund Agreement will provide, inter alia, an acknowledgment that
both the Fund Agreement and the activities provided for therein are
commercial in nature.
7. 基金协议将除其他外,承认基金协议及其规定的活动均属商业性质。
The Fund Agreement shall be ratified by the Parliament of Ukraine according
to the Law of Ukraine "On International Treaties of Ukraine".
8. The Fund Agreement will pay particular attention to the control
mechanisms that make it impossible to weaken, violate or circumvent
sanctions and other restrictive measures.
9. The text of the Fund Agreement will be developed without delay by
working groups chaired by authorized representatives of the Government
of Ukraine and the Government of the United States of America. Contact
persons responsible for preparing the Fund Agreement on the basis of
this Bilateral Agreement are: from the Government of the United States
of America: the Department of the Treasury; from the Government of
Ukraine: Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economy.
9. 基金协议文本将由乌克兰政府和美利坚合众国政府授权代表主持的工作组立即制定。负责根据本双边协议制定基金协议的联系人为:美利坚合众国政府:财政部;乌克兰政府:财政部和经济部。
10. This Bilateral Agreement and the Fund Agreement will constitute
integral elements of the architecture of bilateral and multilateral
agreements, as well as concrete steps to establish lasting peace, and to
strengthen economic security resilience and reflect the objectives set
forth in the preamble to this Bilateral Agreement.
The Government of the United States of America supports Ukraine’s efforts
to obtain security guarantees needed to establish lasting peace.
Participants will seek to identify any necessary steps to protect mutual
investments, as defined in the Fund Agreement.
11. This Bilateral Agreement is binding and will be implemented by each
Participant according to its domestic procedures. The Government of the
United States of America and the Government of Ukraine commit to proceed
forthwith to negotiate the Fund Agreement.
11. 本双边协议具有约束力,各参与方应按照国内程序予以实施。美利坚合众国政府和乌克兰政府承诺立即启动基金协议谈判。
Signed in English and Ukrainian languages, both texts are equally authentic. 该协议以英文和乌克兰文签署,两种文本具有同等效力。
For the Government of the United States of America:
Scott K. H. Bessent
Secretary of the Treasury
For the Government of Ukraine:
Yuliia Svyrydenko
First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy of Ukraine
Breaking Down the U.S.-Ukraine Minerals DealPortions of this critical questions analysis were previously published in a CSIS Critical Minerals article on February 21, 2025.U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky have
reached a bilateral agreement for the United States to jointly invest in
Ukraine’s critical minerals and other valuable resources. While the
framework leaves many details to be worked out, this is the first
agreement of its kind. As additional countries, such as the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, seek a similar deal, understanding the terms of
the Ukraine deal and its likely efficacy has important implications for
U.S. mineral security.Q1: What are the terms of the U.S.-Ukraine minerals deal?A1: The bilateral agreement is markedly different from the original
minerals deal proposed by the Trump administration. The initial deal
called for Ukraine to use its mineral resources to repay the United
States $500 billion for military aid previously provided. The agreed
upon framework does not designate the rights of $500 billion worth of
minerals revenues to the United States nor does it include a security
guarantee for Ukraine. Rather, the agreement establishes a
reconstruction investment fund with joint U.S. and Ukraine ownership.
Ukraine will contribute 50 percent of all revenues earned from the
future monetization of all Ukrainian government-owned natural resource
assets into the fund. This includes minerals deposits, oil, natural gas,
and other relevant infrastructure, but, notably, it does not include
resources that are already serving as a revenue source to Ukraine, such
as the operations of Naftogaz and Ukrnafta, Ukraine’s largest oil and
gas producers. This means, the profitability of the fund is entirely
dependent on the success of new investments in Ukraine’s resources.Contributions to the fund will be reinvested into projects in Ukraine to further
develop assets including mineral deposits, oil, natural gas,
infrastructure, and ports. These projects will need to be further
defined in the final fund agreement. These investments from the fund
intend to spur further private sector interest in investing in Ukraine’s
resources and attract the necessary capital for Ukraine’s
reconstruction and development of resources. Therefore, the response of
private industry is key to the success of the fund and will determine
how much value the United States ultimately derives.The agreement includes little to guarantee Ukraine’s security or reaffirm
U.S. financial and military support in the ongoing conflict. However,
the idea is that with joint U.S.-Ukraine investment in the nation’s
resources, the United States will continue to have a stake in Ukraine’s
security, stability, and lasting peace and therefore be incentivized to
uphold and defend Ukrainian security. President Zelensky is expected to
meet with President Trump in Washington on Friday to sign the agreement.Q2: How likely is the bilateral agreement to move the needle on U.S. minerals security?A2: Mining is a long-term effort—so the United States may not yield
benefits for another 20 years. Ukraine still needs to undertake a
comprehensive geological mapping. From the time reserves have been
identified, globally, it takes an average of 18 years to develop a mine
and costs $500 million and $1 billion to build a mine and separation
plant.Even in the long-term, the success of the bilateral agreement ultimately hinges on
the ability of Ukraine to attract private investment in its mineral
resources. The U.S. government cannot command private companies to mine
in Ukraine as China and Russia can with their state-owned enterprises.
While government-to-government agreements can be a helpful market signal
to the private sector and spur investments that may otherwise not
occur, the barriers to investment in Ukraine pose immense challenges
that the bilateral agreement will be unlikely to surmount with
additional financial and/or security resources. Namely, challenges with
the lack of reliable reserve data to confirm economic viability, the
loss of key infrastructure, and the ongoing security risks in the region
jeopardize the viability of long-term minerals investments.First, there is very limited data on whether Ukraine’s rare earth elements and
other strategic materials are commercially viable to mine. According to
the former director general of the Ukrainian Geological Survey, there
is no modern assessment of rare earth reserves in Ukraine. Existing
mapping was done 30–60 years ago by the Soviet Union and relies on old
exploration methods. Considerations that impact the commercial
feasibility of mining deposits include depth, ore grade, byproducts, and
location. Without confirmation of this data, mining companies are
unlikely to risk investing hundreds of millions of dollars in
potentially unviable deposits.Second, the war has wiped out essential infrastructure. Mining is among the
most energy-intensive industries worldwide. It accounts for
approximately 38 percent of global industrial energy use and around 15
percent of total electricity consumption globally. Between 2022 and
2023, nearly half of Ukraine’s power generation capacity was either
occupied by Russian forces, destroyed, or damaged, while about half of
the country’s large network substations sustained damage from missile
and drone strikes. As a result, Ukraine has been left with only about
one-third of its prewar power capacity. There will need to be a
significant buildout of energy infrastructure for mineral exploration or
production to commence.Lastly, mining companies are reluctant to make long-term investments due to the
ongoing security risk in Ukraine. The absence of security assurances in
the bilateral agreement further complicates the situation. A new mine
can run for over 50 years. Confidence in the political and economic
stability of a jurisdiction is critical given the size and longevity of
the investment. While Trump, Putin, and Zelensky may reach a peace deal,
threat of further conflict and land expropriation will loom given the
long-standing nature of the conflict. The Russia-Ukraine war, the
deadliest conflict in Europe since World War II, started 11 years ago.
After Ukraine’s Maidan Revolution, Russian forces took control of Crimea
in early 2014. Russia later engaged in the conflict in the Donbas,
leading to Russian and Russian-backed forces occupying parts of Donetsk
and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine. Putin has announced that he’s willing to
enter into his own minerals agreement negotiations for minerals not
only located in Russia but also on Russia-occupied land.Q3: What does the agreement signify for Trump’s approach to minerals diplomacy?A3: Trump’s determination to secure Ukraine’s mineral resources has
cemented critical minerals as a focal point in the administration’s
foreign policy. As the Trump administration approaches international
diplomacy with a more transactional lens, critical mineral resources are
bound to be a part of the conversation. The administration’s emphasis
on securing critical minerals is positive, but bilateral minerals
agreements should be made with good geological data and the needs of the
private sector in mind.The Ukraine agreement may be the first minerals deal of its kind, but it
will likely not be the last the Trump administration negotiates.
Already, Trump has shown interest in accessing minerals from Greenland,
Canada, and even Russia. The U.S. government needs a measured,
data-backed approach to working with partner nations to facilitate
strategic investments. This approach relies on significant
private-sector buy-in.Q4: What do these developments mean for U.S.-Ukraine relations under Trump,
and what are the implications for the future of Ukraine and NATO
security?A4: Trump has consistently vocalized throughout his campaign run and first few weeks
in office that he would be taking a different approach to the
Russia-Ukraine conflict compared to the Biden administration over the
last three years. While the Biden administration aimed to isolate Russia
on the international stage via tightening sanctions, Trump has opened
diplomatic doors to Moscow with a 90-minute phone call weeks into his
second term, high-level in-person talks with representatives from the
administration, and a tentative meeting between President Trump and
President Putin in Saudi Arabia in the near future. Additionally, while
Biden consistently prioritized arming and aiding Ukraine, Trump has
taken a more transactional approach and questioned the utility of
continuing to bolster Ukraine financially and militarily.Tensions have risen considerably between Trump and Zelensky, as critical mineral
resource access is the latest arena for Trump to focus his
transactional methods of diplomacy. But the viability of the deal
remains to be seen as tensions continue to rise between the two world
leaders. Trump seemingly blamed Ukraine for starting the war with Russia
and called Zelensky a “dictator without elections.” Meanwhile,
Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth has said U.S. troops would not be
deployed to Ukraine as part of any security guarantees for the country.Under the Trump administration, Ukraine, Europe, and NATO as a whole are
likely to face a great decline in security guarantees from the United
States without offering strategic resources or financial compensation in
return.Q5: What should the U.S. government be doing to encourage private investment in
challenging international markets such as Ukraine?A5: While the security environment in Ukraine may not currently be apt for
large private investments in resource development, the U.S. government
is right to be looking at what it can do to encourage investments in
jurisdictions abroad that are mineral rich but challenging to access due
to the elevated risks for investors. There are concrete policy and
bureaucratic changes the United States can make to better support and
mitigate risks for private industry making strategic investments abroad.Firstly, the United States should boost funding and expand the capabilities of
the U.S. Geological Survey to carry out geological mapping and minimize
exploration risks in critical areas. Second, the United States needs to
support strategic infrastructure development in key jurisdictions.
Globally, the United States offers multiple avenues for funding
international infrastructure projects, including the Development Finance
Corporation and Power Africa. And third, the U.S. government should use
targeted financial incentives for Western companies to be able to
compete against adversaries in high-risk mining jurisdictions.
Successful minerals diplomacy will necessitate the use of an arsenal of
U.S. policy tools, tax credits, loan guarantees, and price support
mechanisms, which are all tools that can be leveraged to make U.S.
mineral projects more competitive against heavily subsidized Chinese
competitors.Gracelin Baskaran is the director of the Critical Minerals Security Program at
the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington,
D.C. Meredith Schwartz is a research associate for the Critical
Minerals Security Program at CSIS.Critical Questions is produced by the Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS), a private, tax-exempt institution focusing on
international public policy issues. Its research is nonpartisan and
nonproprietary. CSIS does not take specific policy positions.
Accordingly, all views, positions, and conclusions expressed in this
publication should be understood to be solely those of the author(s).© 2025 by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.翻译: